people often said they were in love...
i'm also one of that person...
it was a happy moment in my life..
a moment when we felt that our heart full with love...
but those that person felt the same as our???
if we are lucky enough than he or she may return to us the same felling
but if not????
do we still have to wait???
if before i may wait until he choose to love me..
but now hell to the no....
now i kept on believing one thing..
love may not come by it's on self but it doesn't meant that love that we search would be the only
love in our life..
if someone else came in our life and share their love with us why not we take it???
may be that love would be the best love for us....
same goes with me rite now..
the love that i wish can light the darkness in my heart never come
but other light willing to illuminate my heart....
maybe that was the best for me...
maybe be loved is rather the best thing than in love...
~Tepuk tampar dipagi hari~
welcome to my other side of world...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Let's Do a life Construction!!!
J.R Miller once said...
" Life is like a building,
it raises slowly, day by day, through the years...
Every new lesson we learn lays a block on the edifice
which is rising silently within us...
Every experience, every touch of another life on ours,
every influence that impresses us...
every book we read, every conversation we have,
every act of our commonest days adds to the invisible building"
lovely isn't????
" Life is like a building,
it raises slowly, day by day, through the years...
Every new lesson we learn lays a block on the edifice
which is rising silently within us...
Every experience, every touch of another life on ours,
every influence that impresses us...
every book we read, every conversation we have,
every act of our commonest days adds to the invisible building"
lovely isn't????
life is like a canvas..
" Each day is a new canvas to paint upon. Make sure your picture is full of life and happiness, and at the end of the day you don't look at it and wish you had painted something different"
this quotes really suits me right now..
i once think to let everything go...
i once think that my step could not walk any further..
i once think i'm the most useless person in the world...
i once think my existence should not even happen...
but then i started to remember Him...
who am i to question the path He have set me to go on....
a path that sometimes full with great and big adventure...
a path that always fill with beautiful laughter and sorrow tears...
a path that He have inspired me to choose...
life is like a canvas, and i'm the one who have the right to paint it...
so i have to strengthen my heart..take a deep breath..gather all my guts..
and start painting...
But then my painting only full with dark aura and it full with sorrowfulness...
" your painting full with sorrow..why don't u put some color in your painting"my inner self spoke to me
"can i...? " i then reply
"you are the painter dear" my own self then reply back to me..
"who are they to judge your own painting?" she added..
"But how...?" i asked back...
"How on earth i want to add color to my sorrow painting?" i keep on asking...
" By keep smiling and continue laughing my dear me" my heart then reply...
this quotes really suits me right now..
i once think to let everything go...
i once think that my step could not walk any further..
i once think i'm the most useless person in the world...
i once think my existence should not even happen...
but then i started to remember Him...
who am i to question the path He have set me to go on....
a path that sometimes full with great and big adventure...
a path that always fill with beautiful laughter and sorrow tears...
a path that He have inspired me to choose...
life is like a canvas, and i'm the one who have the right to paint it...
so i have to strengthen my heart..take a deep breath..gather all my guts..
and start painting...
But then my painting only full with dark aura and it full with sorrowfulness...
" your painting full with sorrow..why don't u put some color in your painting"my inner self spoke to me
"can i...? " i then reply
"you are the painter dear" my own self then reply back to me..
"who are they to judge your own painting?" she added..
"But how...?" i asked back...
"How on earth i want to add color to my sorrow painting?" i keep on asking...
" By keep smiling and continue laughing my dear me" my heart then reply...
Monday, 20 June 2011
earn what you deserve...
we are growing much older every single days.. life would became much more shorter..
so earn what you should really deserve.. don't butt in other people life..not everybody love to hear ur opinion...
not everybody is open enough to listen to ur complain...
not everybody understand what ur trying to share...
it s not wrong for u to share ur wonderful story..but dear please look at situation..
if ur friend is in the stage of deep sadness would it be reasonable if u tell ur story about ur happiness...
certainly it is not right..
it is not wrong to compliment urself but please have ur own limits..
nobody in this world would like to hear ur compliment to ur own self...
once a while for u to compliment ur self it would be fine dear but if everyday you talk about it...for sure nobody would accept it...
if u do anything that would cost u to loss ur friend..
doesn't matter how fun ur are to be with but if u still like this you would earn what u deserve!...
so earn what you should really deserve.. don't butt in other people life..not everybody love to hear ur opinion...
not everybody is open enough to listen to ur complain...
not everybody understand what ur trying to share...
it s not wrong for u to share ur wonderful story..but dear please look at situation..
if ur friend is in the stage of deep sadness would it be reasonable if u tell ur story about ur happiness...
certainly it is not right..
it is not wrong to compliment urself but please have ur own limits..
nobody in this world would like to hear ur compliment to ur own self...
once a while for u to compliment ur self it would be fine dear but if everyday you talk about it...for sure nobody would accept it...
if u do anything that would cost u to loss ur friend..
doesn't matter how fun ur are to be with but if u still like this you would earn what u deserve!...
Sunday, 19 June 2011
people always says that....
they are not perfect but actually they think they are so damn perfect...
they are not beautiful..but they act like they are miss world or miss universe...
they ain't smart but when we give suggestion or advice..they would never accept it...
they are the most kind hearted person in the world...but the truth that they not that kind...
they say that they are patient enough but the truth that they are just pretend to be patient..
that is the truth about humanbeing..they are not perfect but they want to believe that there are perfect
but who are we to judge them...we also do not perfect enough so just butt out other people matters!
stay in peace ok!!!!!
they are not beautiful..but they act like they are miss world or miss universe...
they ain't smart but when we give suggestion or advice..they would never accept it...
they are the most kind hearted person in the world...but the truth that they not that kind...
they say that they are patient enough but the truth that they are just pretend to be patient..
that is the truth about humanbeing..they are not perfect but they want to believe that there are perfect
but who are we to judge them...we also do not perfect enough so just butt out other people matters!
stay in peace ok!!!!!
Monday, 13 June 2011
Harus kah aku memberi???????
aku confuse right now... nak bagi ke xnak...
semalam on lah Tagged then ada lah beberapa friend request..
ada owg nie nama dia "aku OKU" ok fine...
xperlah oku pun coz kita nie semua sama jek dimata yang maha Esa...
nak dijadikan cerita budak nie chat then mintak num phone..
ok...apa nak buat sekarang memang hati nie kan xnak bagi... this is really not me at all..
tapi if xbagi dia akan cakap xnak bagi coz dia OKU...asyik jek ulang dia 2 OKU..
totally ridiculous taw x... jangan lah guna kan disability kita sebagai satu alasan untuk kita dipaksa menerima someone 2..
rimas lah!!!!!
my friend pun terima nasib yang sama dis lunatic guy keep harassing her...what the hair lah..orang dah xsudi dah lah betul x?????so renung2kan and selamat membaca
semalam on lah Tagged then ada lah beberapa friend request..
ada owg nie nama dia "aku OKU" ok fine...
xperlah oku pun coz kita nie semua sama jek dimata yang maha Esa...
nak dijadikan cerita budak nie chat then mintak num phone..
ok...apa nak buat sekarang memang hati nie kan xnak bagi... this is really not me at all..
tapi if xbagi dia akan cakap xnak bagi coz dia OKU...asyik jek ulang dia 2 OKU..
totally ridiculous taw x... jangan lah guna kan disability kita sebagai satu alasan untuk kita dipaksa menerima someone 2..
rimas lah!!!!!
my friend pun terima nasib yang sama dis lunatic guy keep harassing her...what the hair lah..orang dah xsudi dah lah betul x?????so renung2kan and selamat membaca
peristiwa di petang hari...
petang tadi kak yati (one of the staff kat High Court) mintak tolong aku and mis wawa pergi hantar fail dekat mak moon (setiausaha Hakim) kiteowang pun pergilah..bile dah siap semua kami pun ready to turun by liff (yelah ofis mak moon kat tingkat 4 kowt).. aku cakap dekat wawa why don't kite trun dekat exit sebelah bilik mak moon coz dekat cikit..dia pun ok jek... kiteowang pun turun lah..tibe jek kat tingkat 1 baru kiteowang tahu yang kiteowang salah pintu hu3...
so kiteowang naik balik lif and nek tingkat 4 balik..
kuar jek dari lif tingkat 4 tue tibe2 jek blackout!!!!
nasib baik kiteownag dah kuar dari lif tue...
if ditakdirkan kami ter'suck' dalam liff tue memang sumpah aku xnaik liff lagi!
moral of the story jangan nak gedik2 ikut jalan yang xpernah and xsure mana tujunye hu3...
Sunday, 12 June 2011
pergi jalan2 dekat Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah!!!
Mood : Happy+ Excited+Enjoy= thrilling!!!!!
such a great moment to be shared together with my beloved friends!
Mis wawa and Fishy Fasha!!! thank u sooooo much!!!
a moment to be treasured forever!!!
may Allah bless our friendship forever...
another doa i want to do may we always happy and success in all we do..
may our friendship grow as long as our age!!!
Mood : Happy+ Excited+Enjoy= thrilling!!!!!
such a great moment to be shared together with my beloved friends!
Mis wawa and Fishy Fasha!!! thank u sooooo much!!!
a moment to be treasured forever!!!
may Allah bless our friendship forever...
another doa i want to do may we always happy and success in all we do..
may our friendship grow as long as our age!!!
fasha...shasha...wawa |
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
such a quotes right...
sometimes we must let go something that made us angry, disappointed or sad...
sometimes we must let go someone who made us disappointed, who made us angry and sad..
this is because a heart that full with sadness would not functioning very well...
do you know why?
because this kind of heart can be a rotten heart someday as it keep being fill with hatred..
so we have to forget things that made us fell this way...
instead of filling our heart with hatred let fill our heart with love!
be together with those who made u laugh and happy all the times!
as when our heart happy our mind and soul also be in peace!!
therefore always be happy and keep smiling..
aku bantal peluk??????
Pagi tadi pergi lah bilik tahanan sementara (lokap) dekat MT Muar...saje jek nak tengok2 tempat tue sambil tolong mak jie buat 5s....
kebetulan masa tue ada lah segroup tahanan dalam penjara tue..
kami pun tolong mak jie tampal sticker dekat lampu include lampu untuk dalam lokap sekali...
mak jie suh aku pergi tengok lokap yang terakhir, that's also brought the meaning that aku kena lalu depan lokap yang ada penghuni tue..
Ya ALLAH bertapa berdebar nye jantung aku masa tue, yelah eventhough kita xtahu apa offence dia but a criminal is always a criminal unless they have been proven otherwise..
so aku pun lalu depan lokap tue...kali pertama aku lalu semua senyap je...fuhh lego ati aden taw!
selepas tue dah settle keje yang mak jie suruh kena return back ke pintu masuk tadi. aku pun lalu depan diorang lagi sekali and then aku pun terdengar ayat keramat nie " Pergh sedap buat bantal peluk nie"
what the hair diaorang nak bantal pelukkan aku!! gile scary!!!rasa nak gugur jantung aku nie plus naik lemah lutut taw!!!
tapi apa2 pun it was a good experience not because ada org panggil aku "bantal peluk" but i got a new experience to watch a convict person by way of face to face and got to watch the far it was a good experienced!
Monday, 6 June 2011
Congratulation and it's a celebration!!!!!
Tahniah kepada sahabatku Cik Qistina kerana telah mengikat tali pertunangan bersama dengan jejaka pilihannya juga merupakan sahabat saya En,Saifuddin...
semoga perhubungan kalian berkekalan sehingga ke anak cucu..
sesungguhnya ikatan pertunangan ini merupakan satu titik permulaan kehidupan kalian..
semoga kalian menjadi satu pasangan yang berkongsi hati dan jiwa...
Happy engagement day my sweetheart!!!
cherish her with ur heart taw saif as u know how precious she was ok....
Found this quotes from google...
very interesting and also true...
kita selalu mendengar yang " Lelaki yang Baik hanya untuk Wanita yang baik dan sebaliknya"
jadi jika kita masih belum menemui seseorang yang mampu menakluk hati kita ini bersabarlah...
Our Mr.perfect would be here someday..
jangan terburu2 mengejar cinta kerana cinta yang kita buru itu mungkin bukan cinta yang telah ditetapkan untuk kita oleh Allah S.w.t..
kesabaran itu merupakan kunci kebahagian..
bersabar juga merupakan sifat yang mulia...
apa salahnya jika kita menanti cinta itu kerana cinta yang datang seiring dengan penantian akan lebih manis rasanya...
Sudah bertahun aku menanti hati aku ini untuk redha dengan ketentuan...akhirnya aku nekad redha itu harus aku cari sendiri dan bukan ku nanti...
mungkin hati aku ini belum cukup kuat untuk menempuh setiap cabaran yang datang kepada ku tetapi aku harus yakin bahawa setiap dugaan yang datang pasti akan ada hikmah disebaliknya...
sebagai contoh mudah..orang yang pernah bersama kita menempuh kebahagian bercinta dan kemudian membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan kita...apa yg perlu kita lakukan? Berdendam? Membenci atau memaki hamun dirinya? sudah pasti itu bukan penyelesaian terbaik...perkara pertama yang perlu kita lakukan adalah redha dengan ketentuan Allah.. sudah pasti Allah knows better than us.. bila hati kita sudah redha Insyaallah kita boleh menerima keputusan itu dengan penuh rasional nya...
hari ini aku ingin membka langkah kaki ku untuk menampak kearah keredhaan Allah... walaupun bukan mudah untuk aku melangkah aku akan terus berusaha hingga aku berjaya.. biar aku jatuh terduduk beberapa kali pun aku sanggup asalkan aku jiwa ku sentiasa tenang mengingati kekasihku yang hakiki...
Friday, 3 June 2011
"Maaf ku tak pernah berterus terang, bukan ku tak mempercayaimu..
namun sebelum ku berganti rupa ingin aku menemuimu…
ku kan bermandi cahaya bulan, yang cemerlang di malam yang cerah..
memang telah lama kurasakan ingin menolong yang lemah…
tiba2 keajaiban terjadi….
kekuatan muncul didiri…
untuk melawan semua kejahatan, kekuatanku harus digunakan…
menegakkan segala kebenaran, ini keajaiban alam…
Aku mempercayainya….
ini keajaiban alam!"
one of my favorite childhood cartoon and rite now being playing at NTV7!!!!! sailormoon...
a story about usagi and her friend got a special power from the moon and planet... they fight to save the world!!!miss this cartoon so much! tq NTV7....
namun sebelum ku berganti rupa ingin aku menemuimu…
ku kan bermandi cahaya bulan, yang cemerlang di malam yang cerah..
memang telah lama kurasakan ingin menolong yang lemah…
tiba2 keajaiban terjadi….
kekuatan muncul didiri…
untuk melawan semua kejahatan, kekuatanku harus digunakan…
menegakkan segala kebenaran, ini keajaiban alam…
Aku mempercayainya….
ini keajaiban alam!"
one of my favorite childhood cartoon and rite now being playing at NTV7!!!!! sailormoon...
a story about usagi and her friend got a special power from the moon and planet... they fight to save the world!!!miss this cartoon so much! tq NTV7....
my lovely family....
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my abah!!! |
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my emak!!! |
my abah and my mak...
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my happy family..... may our love would always be this strong... me with my third bro...ezzy |
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my second bro-sopi |
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me with my last bro-azrol![]() with my dearest aunty... ![]() aunty with her family.... |
love my family so much muaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
selamat bercuti adik-adikku....
(gambar dapat dari utusan malaysia)
walaupun ketika sedang bercuti tapi belajar still belajar ok..
score A jgn lupe nak buat
jangan asyik nak berfacebook jek adik2ku...
walaupun ketika sedang bercuti tapi belajar still belajar ok..
score A jgn lupe nak buat
jangan asyik nak berfacebook jek adik2ku...
si comel in family...
Ohhh world nowadays....
read 2 days ago punya paper and found this article to be shared to you all...
an article about corrupted lawyer...because of this kind of lawyer the reputation of another lawyer also being ruin...
(gambar dapat dari utusan harian)
see.. a lawyer being jell for six years and being fine RM80,000...this is all because lawyers nowadays lack of integrity and a reminder to all lawyers and future lawyers(including me) don't sell ur own dignity as a good lawyer juz to win cases or to get small benefit.. remember all the hard work we did to hold our degree and our position today... something that we get in a much more difficult way would be our most precious treasure...something that easy to grab also easy to be forgotten....
an article about corrupted lawyer...because of this kind of lawyer the reputation of another lawyer also being ruin...
(gambar dapat dari utusan harian)
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Kek coklat moist Pn.Normah...
1 cawan gula halus
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan minyak/ 1 cawan butter/marjerin
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 1/4 tepung gandum
3 biji telur
1 sudu makan soda bikarbonat(entah betul ke x ejaannya)
2 sudu teh baking powder
chocolate rice and cooking chocolate as the topping.
Cara buat pulak:
minyak, susu cair ,gula dan minyak/butter dicampurkan dan dipanaskan. panas untuk seketika kemudian disejukkan..
tepung gandum,serbuk koko,soda bikarbonat dan baking powder dicampur dan digaulkan.
kemudian masukkan didalam adunan yang dipanaskan sebentar tadi.
3 biji telur dipukul(secara berasingan) kemudian maskkan didalam adunan tadi.
kemudian kukus kek tersebut sehingga masak..
double boil coklat masakan campur cream atau susu cair...
selepas kek sudah siap dimasak, tuangkan coklat masakan kemudia taburkan chocolate rice..
selamat mencuba resepi yang sangat mudah ini!!!!
1 cawan gula halus
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan minyak/ 1 cawan butter/marjerin
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 1/4 tepung gandum
3 biji telur
1 sudu makan soda bikarbonat(entah betul ke x ejaannya)
2 sudu teh baking powder
chocolate rice and cooking chocolate as the topping.
Cara buat pulak:
minyak, susu cair ,gula dan minyak/butter dicampurkan dan dipanaskan. panas untuk seketika kemudian disejukkan..
tepung gandum,serbuk koko,soda bikarbonat dan baking powder dicampur dan digaulkan.
kemudian masukkan didalam adunan yang dipanaskan sebentar tadi.
3 biji telur dipukul(secara berasingan) kemudian maskkan didalam adunan tadi.
kemudian kukus kek tersebut sehingga masak..
double boil coklat masakan campur cream atau susu cair...
selepas kek sudah siap dimasak, tuangkan coklat masakan kemudia taburkan chocolate rice..
selamat mencuba resepi yang sangat mudah ini!!!!
Bonda saya Pn.Normah...
kehidupan kami...
Happy Belated Bufday 2 me...
Allah selamatkan aku...
Allah selamatkan aku...
Allah selamatkan diri ku ini...
Allah selamatkan aku ha3..
happy bufday 2 me!!!!!
walaupun dah lepas lebih kurang 2 hari tapi still xterlewat untuk wish dekat diri sendiri kan3....
tahun nie xcelebrate pun coz xder masa kan..jadi juz let the day go like an ordinary day...
reminder to my own self:
" you have grown one year don't act like a spoil child anymore..
think hard and think smart in ur study..
learn to forgive and to forget..
try to accept anything that happen in ur life as a challenge and always remember Allah would alway be with
those who in need..
be nicer to them more than they love u..
most importantly always thank Allah for still letting u to keep going in this world, thanks ur parent for bring in u into this world..ur friends as they would always be there for u when u in need and ur love one as he would wait for u patiently forever. lastly thanks to ur own self for always being u...happy bufday dear me!!!"
Allah selamatkan aku...
Allah selamatkan diri ku ini...
Allah selamatkan aku ha3..
happy bufday 2 me!!!!!
walaupun dah lepas lebih kurang 2 hari tapi still xterlewat untuk wish dekat diri sendiri kan3....
tahun nie xcelebrate pun coz xder masa kan..jadi juz let the day go like an ordinary day...
reminder to my own self:
" you have grown one year don't act like a spoil child anymore..
think hard and think smart in ur study..
learn to forgive and to forget..
try to accept anything that happen in ur life as a challenge and always remember Allah would alway be with
those who in need..
be nicer to them more than they love u..
most importantly always thank Allah for still letting u to keep going in this world, thanks ur parent for bring in u into this world..ur friends as they would always be there for u when u in need and ur love one as he would wait for u patiently forever. lastly thanks to ur own self for always being u...happy bufday dear me!!!"
happy-dada birthday-wawa to me- me!!! Tq guys for the effort.... |
pRacTiCaL LiFe...
Dah almost two month dah i undergo my life as a prac first life pass by interestingly but now it went from mere boring to hell bored! hu3 but practical have 2 be done right so juz keep it going.. rilek beb bukan lame pun lagi dalam 5minggu jek lagi!
go2 chaiyok!!!!
Tapi ada kemusykilan dihati nie taw..kenapa bila di luar bilik puan confident level sgt tinggi tapi bila dah mengadap muka dia 2 terus level confident drop bukan 1 or 2 percent but 100%!!! begitu teruk sekali kan ha3..
hari2 kami( masuk aku ada 4 orang budak praktikal) mengadap buku pasal bankruptcy..semua buku dekat library kami dah bukak...warna purple,krim mcm2 colour lagi (sory ingat warna kulit je nama penulis xbaper nak ingat ha3).. apa itu Bankruptcy notice...apa itu creditor petition..mode of serve.. everything kena tahu! memang boleh master lah...ha3.. hu3 dah nasib badan so layan kan ajelah =)
Hwaithing and gambate kudasai!
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