~Tepuk tampar dipagi hari~

welcome to my other side of world...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Ollz!!!!

selamat hari raya aidilfitri semua...
semoga lebaran ini memberikan seribu erti didaLam kehidupan anda
ampun dan maaf ingin dipinta jika ada tersalah kata mahupun terkasar bahasa tidak kira samada didalam pertuturan ataupun didalam nukilan...
akhir kata salam lebaran dari saya...

Thursday, 25 August 2011

hik3 Mr.Faizal new phone..

actually ari 2 ag my baby dah bought his new handphone tapi bwu arinie nak wat entry for it saje jek nak menyibuk2 hik3...

i got phone call from him and he said that... 
" ayg abang dah beli handphone baru nie..on 3g"
hik3 3g?? tapi handphone aku kan masuk wad!!! so dgn muka tembok nye aku pun menyampaikan berita sedih itu..
" abg actually handphone ayg rosak..so dah hantar p repair"
dia senyap seribu bahasa...
aku gabra...
" rosak apa?"
" kamera warna hijau"
dia senyap lagi..
aku pun senyap jugak...
adik2 aku dekat belakang dah macam apa jer ketawakan aku sebab kena marah..
siot betul..
adoi lama nye dia senyap...
" abg..marah ke?"
" emm.. x marah tapi handphone ada warranty kan?"
" ada.. tue yang kena 20inggit upah cina tue hanta p centre kat melaka.."
then ayat keramat encik faizal pun terkeluar...
"ayg nie memang xreti jaga barang lah...mesti rosak.."
aku dah mood merajuk dah nie..
aku pulak senyap..
"dia plak yg nak marah...ayg2.."
"xperlah pas nie jaga elok.."
pas2 bual mcm biasa hik3...dah xgaduh dah...kowang nak tahu x knapa dia mcm emosi sgt??
ini adalah kerana handphone 2 hadiah daripada dia hik3...

back 2 mr.faizal new handphone...
handphone apa??? jeng..jeng..jeng...
handphone nie!!!!

cantik kan3...walaupun ukan model terbaru tapi okay apa...
berpeluang x nak pakai nie hik3...
pasnie mr.faizal nak beli kereta pulak...
ayang doakan utk abg hik3..

Saturday, 20 August 2011

How I became Korean Fanatic?

It's all began with this K-Drama!!!
hik3 Goo Jun Pyo is so damn Handsome! But not forgetting my gorgeous Won bin ahaks!!

Do you remember this drama?
yes it is " BOYS OVER FLOWER"
i bet u remember so no need for me to share to you all bout the synopsis rite?
A story about a 4 rich boys called F4 lead by the most handsome boys Goo Jun Pyo!
then he fall in love to a common girls name Geum Jan Di..
their love full with challenges and the have face againts all odds in other to be happy..

Due to this drama
my love and addiction began..
but Korean full with drama, great variety and amazing songs!
therefore my decision to became a K-fans is a great decision hik3...
hik3 never felt to leave korean yet so let's wait until i find other things that made me crazy!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Kepada Ibu dan Bapa sekalian...

Seikhlas hati saya menulis sebagai seorang anak kepada ibu dan bapa...
mungkin nampak kurang enak di mata kalian kerana saya seakan-akan ingin mengajar kalian semua untuk menjadi ibu bapa yang baik tapi anggaplah ini sebagai satu pandangan saya sebagai seorang anak...
Kita sebagai ibu bapa ini harus banyak bersabar dengan kerenah anak-anak kita.. setiap anak tidak mempunyai sifat yang sama. itu lah dugaannya sebagai ibu bapa. Tetapi bukankah itu juga manisnya menjadi ibu bapa? setiap keletah anak-anak itu memberi sejuta kenangan dan memori indah. sesungguhnya setiap kenangan itu mempunyai nilai sentimennya yang tersendiri... sebagai contoh kali pertama anak itu berkata-kata... kali pertama anak itu berjalan...kali pertama anak itu berlari dan macam-macam lagi... betapa indahnya...
 Tetapi kadang-kadang ibu bapa ini leka.. Mereka mengutarakan kata sayang kepada semua anak-anak tetapi perlakuannya menunjukkan sebaliknya... tidak elok begitu wahai Ibu dan Bapa sekalian. Anak-anak ini perasaanya rapuh.. walaupun sedikit ketidakadilan yang berlaku antara mereka pasti dapat dikesan.. kenapa ingin membezakan anak-anak? kata sayang semua tetapi kenapa yang A diberi banyak kelebihan  daripada B? Kenapa C tidak dilayan seadilnya seperti D? jangan nak berselindung dari realiti... kita sendiri tahu tentang diri kita... jika ada perkara sedemikian didalam keluarga kalian eloklah diubah...
Ibu bapa harus ingat bukan hanya anak-anak yang perlu menjaga hati kalian tetapi kalian juga haruslah menjaga hati anak-anak kalian ini. bukankah lebih bahagia sesebuah keluarga itu jika setiap dari mereka hormat menghormati diantara satu sama lain.

Jadi ingatlah bahawa keluarga yang menghormati ahlinya akan membentuk keluarga yang bahagia...

50 Ways to say I LoVe U...

1. Arabic:  Uhiboka (To A Male)
                 Uhiboki  (To A Female)
2. Bolivian:  Quechua Qanta Munani
3. Bulgarian:  Obicham Te
4. Burmese:  Chit Pa De
5. Cambodian: Bon Sro Lanh Oon 
6. Croatian:  Ljubim Te
7. Czech:  Miluji Te
8. Danish:  Jeg Elsker Dig
9. Dutch:  Ik Hou Van Jou
10. Ecuador: Quechua Canda Munani
11. Estonian: Mina Armastan Sind
12. Filipino:  Mahal Ka Ta
13. Finnish:  Mina Rakastan Sinua
14. French:  Je T’aime
15. German:  Ich Liebe Dich
16. Greek:  S’ Agapo
17. Hawaiian: Aloha
18. Hebrew:  Ani Ohev Otach (to Female) 
                     Anh Ye’U Em (to Woman)
19. Hindi:  Mai tumse Pyar karta hoon (to Female) 
                 Mai tumse Pyar karti hoon (to Male)
20. Hungarian:  Szeretlek
21. Icelandic:  Eg Elska Thig
22. Indonesian:  Saja Kasih Saudari
23. Irish:  Taim I’ Ngra Leat
24. Italian:  Ti Amo
25. Japanese:  Kimi O Ai Shiteru
26. Korean:  Tangsinul  Sarang Ha Yo
27. Kurdish: Ez Te Hez Dikim
28. Latin:  Te Amo
29. Lithuanian:  Tave Myliu
30. Norwegian:  Jeg Elsker Deg
31. Persian:  Tora Dost Daram
32. Polish:  Kocham Cie
33. Portuguese:  Eu Te Amo 
34. Romanian:  Te Iu Besc
35. Russian:  Ya Vas Liubliu
36. Serbian:  Lubim Te
37. Slovak: Lubim Ta
38. Spanish:  Te Quiero
39. Sri Lankan:  Mama Oyata Arderyi
40. Swahili:  Naku Penda
41. Swedish:  Jag A’Lskar Dig
42. Thai:  Ch’an Rak Khun
43. Tibetan: Na Kirinla Gaguidou
44. Turkish:  Seni Seviyo*Rum
45. Ukrainian:  Ja Tebe Kokhaju
46. Vietnamese: Em Ye’U Anh (to Man)
                          Anh Ye’U Em (to Woman)
47. Welsh:  Rwy’n Dy Garu Di
48. Yiddish: Ich Hob Dir Lib
49. Yugoslavian:  Ya Te Volim
50. Zulu:  Ngiyakuthanda!

courtesy to : Freedom Personal Blog.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Cleaning tyme!!!

raya is just around d corner guys!!!
so before Raya we have to do a cleaning tyme!
i would swear that i would throw all the unnecessary junk i see or i encounter during this session...
so let's go!!!!

Moots 2010..

sedang melihat album lama2 then terjumpa gambar nie hu3... memory moots 2010!!!!
excited sgt this time...
jom share gambar!!!!

me....cute x hik3

me again hik3...
my class...
sempoi gile lecturer nie!!!
ayoihai...buncit ketara ha3
my chinggu/friends!!
posing after mooting!

~our memory together would always fresh in my mind~

True Love???

This quotes make such a meaningful meaning rite?
If that's person was not meant for us no use we stick to it...
no use if we stay with that person if we know he is not the one...
as this quotes mention that if we love someone but the path is hard why don't we let it go?
if his meant for you then his yours but if he do not come back then just let it go...
no use forcing love because you know you would not be happy..
i said this based on my own experienced...
i try to stick with this one guy but the sweets love became sour...
we started to argue a lot and we also yell to each other...
then i realize this is not want i really want in relationship..
so i give him a call and i ask for a breakup...
I may look like a coward coz i'm afraid to said it face to face but at least i'm brave enough to end something that both of us know would not have any happy ending..
then he never come back to me so that bring the meaning that he is not meant for me hu3...
it is ok cause i'm happy now ^-^

Berbuka bersama2...

semalam adik aku sampai dari sepang...balik cuti sehari untuk Nuzul Qur'an... so kami pun buat lah berbuka puasa yang grand cikit (ha3 grand ker???) moksu sekeluarga pun join venture berbuka sekali...
As usual mak if adik aku yang nie balik memang over cikit...macam2 plan nak masak...
menu berbuka semalam consist of:
1. Ikan Kerapu Sweet Sour..
2. Ayam Ungkap
3. Sotong cili
4. Ayam KFC
5. Cempedak goreng & Karipap..

Memang makan sakan ar...mijie (bawu 5tahun) paling excited sekali...yelah sampai dah xleh nak makan lagi coz terlalu kenyang!
Mak and Abah senyu jek dekat dining table coz tgk anak dia makan dengan lahap nya(ha3)
Memang memorial berbuka yesterday...
then time untuk temankan si kecik mijie main bunga api!!!
dia tengah gile main mercun mancis...risau jugak tapi bila kita tegur mula lah merajuk..aduhai adik cayang oit..

walaupape pun yesterday was a marvellous moment in my life...rare opportunity it was coz adik duk jauh and after this masing2 nak balik u and my third bro mayb kena p PLKN...so lagilah payah nak kumpul2 lagi nie...
love u all!muah3...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

The princess/Luerd Kattiya

Summary: After The Ruler of Yasothorn state was assassinated, his daughter, Princess Tippayarat-Darakumaree is relegated and live her life as a common girl. She accidentally meets Anothai, a son of the former right-hand soldier and he just knows her as Dara, a common girl. They become friend and develop to love each other later.

With his intention and his father's hope, Anothai attends the military school because he dreams to be a soldier to protect his country as that his father implant him since he was a child. Finally, he can be a soilder as he wish and becomes commandant later. Anyway, he just realizes the truth that Dara, a girl who he loves, actually is the third crown princess of Yasothorn. Anothai is very sorry to know that a common man like him can never reach a royal princess like her. But with his great love, he intends to do everything to help her to succeed the throne as a Queen of the Confederation State although his duty have to exchange with his life.

~ All information taken from crunchyroll and Asian Drama Resources...~

One of this drama ost...

my favourite ost... got tears in the eyes rite now!

this is also my favourite drama ever..this drama really leave a deep deep imprint in my mind and also in my heart... both actor and actress were great.. again is our Tik Jesadaporn!!! our drop dead gorgeous guy hu3...could you imagine that he is not only popular due to his hot face but also because he was an excellent actor.. from comedy to romance then straight to action.. this shows that he is a true actor... long live Tik Jesadaporn!!!!
 then we have this great actress... there two or three drama Tik and her being together and all of it is a great drama... she is Aom Phiyada! such a beautiful and telented actress...
love their chemistry when they act together!!!!
Love this drama...sadly Malaysia tv don't like to play thai movies nowadays they only font to play our beloved neighbour story..so sick with sinetron fell like watching lakorn nowadays....
peace yooo! 

Molkang~Molkang... hik3

Molkang2 Couple (so sweetZZZ)

eunjung (T-ara) and Lee jang woo is my new favourite couple for We Got Married!!!! i have stop watching WGM when Adam couple decided to end their virtual marriage...seriously sad moment for me hu3... but then yesterday while i'm browsing internet i saw this cute couple...my molkang-molkang couple hu3!!! why i called them Molkang-molkang or "fluffy-fluffy" in English is because of the way eunjung say it... 

but this couple seriously in love and have fast5 skinship differ from Adam couple.. and Mr-General is so damn drop jar gorgeous ( for me lorrr) other people maybe think differently... and eunjung is so beutiful and so cute.. there a like a match made in heaven hu3....

hopefully this couple would last longer than Adam couple because i really wanted to follow their love path!!!
my Molkang-molkang couple hwaithing!!!!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Soda and Ice Tea...

have u ever seen this thai drama? Soda and Ice tea is on of my old time favorite thai drama! this drama was about a rich and gorgeous plus drop dead handsome man, Pattaya who were just being dumped by his girlfriend, Porsche... in order to made his ex-gf jealous and regret for dumping him he has to find a new gf who were much more beautiful then her... but he failed to find one so he decided to go for a matchmaking programs... this is when the story started to get much more interesting hu3...  he found the heroin in this match making session... Atom the heroin, a cute professor who were in a stage of running away from a genius man who were in love with her.. both of them met and plan to become what perfect partner of their dreams... Pattaya have to change to Dr.Pattana a doctor major in psychology of women (ha3 seriously hilarious at this time) while Atom has to become Amy a beautiful, confident and sexy girl from france..(you all should see  how she change...so silly ha3) when they keep seeing each other, well they started to fall in love.. but then not all love story would have a smooth sailing same goes with Pattaya and Atom. when their cover being blow by two mean people hu3 they have to forget their filling and being forced to marry with other people but then both of them realize they cannot live without each other...

the hero and heroin.. isn't his gorgeous!!!

when Atom change into Amy...

Tik jedsada is so damn gorgeous!!!