2012 was the most hard year for me...
nothing to write...
but one thing for sure this year do taught me to be strong
for the sake of those i love and treasured so much..
~Tepuk tampar dipagi hari~
welcome to my other side of world...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Missing Her
Oh God we miss her so much...
especially during this time where she should be busy preparing hari raya cookies...
hu3 only my mom that excited baking a cookies...
i know my abah also sad but he have to suppresses his feeling for us..his children
yesterday he went to the place he always go with mak...their dating place...
i know he misses her..
so are we abah...
she was the best mak i ever gonna have...
nobody can replace her that's for sure.
she was the most brave and courage women i ever found in my life...
a woman who never afraid to face a hard life... facing cruel fate because she always believe that someday she would be success in her life.
But we can only make a plan as Allah S.W.T knows better...
she gone without having the opportunity to change her life...
it's okey mak... akak would make it come true... your dream is now my goal...
i would keep my promise to you...
Akak would be strong for the sake of our family...
we would always stay together...
I love you mak...love you so much...
May mak rest in peace among those who believe... Amin
especially during this time where she should be busy preparing hari raya cookies...
hu3 only my mom that excited baking a cookies...
i know my abah also sad but he have to suppresses his feeling for us..his children
yesterday he went to the place he always go with mak...their dating place...
i know he misses her..
so are we abah...
she was the best mak i ever gonna have...
nobody can replace her that's for sure.
she was the most brave and courage women i ever found in my life...
a woman who never afraid to face a hard life... facing cruel fate because she always believe that someday she would be success in her life.
But we can only make a plan as Allah S.W.T knows better...
she gone without having the opportunity to change her life...
it's okey mak... akak would make it come true... your dream is now my goal...
i would keep my promise to you...
Akak would be strong for the sake of our family...
we would always stay together...
I love you mak...love you so much...
May mak rest in peace among those who believe... Amin
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Selamat Tinggal Mak...
my late mother and father
Akak tahu hari ini akan tiba juga mak
tapi akak xsangka sepantas ini ia akan terjadi...
hancur luluh hati akak ni bila melihat mak terbaring 2 hari di katil hospital...
mak nampak lemah sangat...macam xbermaya...
Mak masih boleh tersenyum pada hari pertama mak admit wad...
pagi tu pun mak boleh buat lawak dengan akak dengan doc tapi
6.30 pagi sabtu mak collapsed! mak xsedar...
akak takut sangat masa tu mak...
macam2 bermain dalam fikiran akak...
kemudian mak stabil... akak kol abah
abah sampai akak cium mak sebab akak nak balik tukar baju sekejap
tapi tiba-tiba abah call akak minta akak naik balik kat wad...
rupa-rupanya mak collapsed again.
tapi kenapa nampak lebih serius? doktor semua mengelilingi mak..
Doktor jumpa akak mak.. doktor explain yang mak tenat... keadaan kritikal jadi silalah hubungi ahli keluarga yang lain... akak berlari ke abah.. abah macam nak pengsan bila dengar yang mak tenat...
Akak call moksu sebab akak ingat moksu saja masa tu mak
kemudian mak di hantar ke scope untuk keluarkan darah mak...
Mak ada internal bleeding!
doktor delivered the news that mak suffer internal bleeding then usus mak luka sebesar 2 sentimeter!
Ya Allah semakin hancur hati aku...
Mak stabil sedikit tapi jantung mak laju sangat!
Akak takut sangat mak..
Pagi tu mak taknak pandang muka akak dan adik-adik pun...
Mak xsampai hati eh mak?
Jam 10 pagi hari isnin doktor cari line untuk masukkan darah then nak hantar scope lagi...
tetapi mak tiba-tiba tenat semula...
tepat jam 12.50 hari isnin mak telah menghembusakan nafas yang terakhir...
Ya Allah rasa nak terduduk akak dekat situ...
Abah dah menangis...
Sopi datang peluk akak suruh akak sabar...
Akak kena sabar demi abah dan adik-adik
Akak tersenyum depan semua mak.. akak kena tunjuk kuat demi semua
Biarlah akak menangis bila akak sorang2 nanti
Mak akak rindu sangat-sangat dengan mak
Mak adalah kawan terbaik yang akak ada...
Mak adalah mak yang terbaik bagi akak
Terima kasih kerana melahirkan akak
Membesarkan akak... sanggup hidup susah untuk akak dan adik-adik
Semoga roh mak dicucuri rahmat dan mak ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman...
Friday, 5 October 2012
Inchik Bakal Lawyer =)
Assalamualaikum Inchik Bakal Lawyer (IBL)
Saya suka awak lah...
tapi saya x harap pun awak suka saya jugak...
jadi awak jangan lah rasa malu kalau awak dapat tahu nanti yang awak ada secret admirer...
saya dah puas dah dapat tengok awak dari jauh...
awak xperlu pun nak balas pandangan saya tu..
cukuplah sekadar saya seorang saja yang tersenyum bila terpandang awak...
x perlulah awak tahu yang senyuman saya itu untuk awak dan x perlulah awak balas pun
senyuman saya itu...
saya bagi free je khas untuk awak...
Awak comel sgt kadang2 saya tengok tapi kadang2 saya rasa serabut tengok awak
tapi apa2 pun awak tetap saya suka...
tapi cukuplah kalau rasa tu saya seorang sahaja yang tahu IBL...
nanti awak pulak yang serabut...
Saya doakan kebahagian awak yek...
Walaupun bukan dengan saya...
tapi xpe sebab bila awak bahagia saya pun bahagia...
normal lah kecewa sekejap tapi semua itu akan berlalu...
dan bila saya pandang kebelakang nanti saya akan tersenyum
kerana saya pernah menjadi seorang secret admirer kepada awak
dan ia akan menjadi satu memori yang indah!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Bila inchik nak datang ek?
Adoiyai post punya tajuk xboleh nak bla tapi that's the fact!
Bila inchik Betul nak datang dalam hidup saya hu3...
hari tue berbual dgn my fren nie... dlm diam dia ada crush dekat inchik engineer nie and inchik engineer pun macam feel the same way...
adoiyai bahagianya!
kwn sorang lagi pulak ada inchik manager and inchik doctor tgh approach dia...
awesome wei!
my other friend pulak incik bakal pemandu kapal terbang taw sedang menanti...
ada sorang lagi kawan inchik bakal politician (not malaysian taw)
kawan satu lagi dah kawin pun dengan incik wartawan!
Alhamdulilah jodoh dia dah sampai
sorang lagi kawan nie incik betul dia memang sentiasa dengan dia daripada adik angkat sampai dah steady and dah fikir nama anak hu3..
sorang lagi kawan nie incik betul dia memang sentiasa dengan dia daripada adik angkat sampai dah steady and dah fikir nama anak hu3..
emm tue yang duk bertanya dan menanti bila inchik betul (Mr.Right) nak mai...
ada crush dekat satu incik bakal lawyer nie tapi kan dia xsuka aku lah hu3...
sodihnya hati ini...
macam mana nak cari jodoh kalau apa yang kita idamkan macam susah je nak gapai ek...
inchik bakal lawyer pun mungkin xpernah perasan kehadiran aku dekat sini...
xperlah inchik bakal lawyer...
itulah nature seseorang yg ada crush...
kami hanya boleh tgk dari jauh...senyum sorang2 berangan apa yang perlu then lupakan hu3..
nothing more or nothing less...
inchik bakal lawyer pun xperlu lah tahu kewujudan saya yek!
hopefully inchik betul saya akan muncul juga someday...
and masa tue saya dah bersedia untuk menjadi ur Mrs Right...
saya sedang prepare to become ur Mrs right sekarang nie dan saya harap awak pun sedang menyiapkan diri untuk jadi inchik betul saya...
Monday, 10 September 2012
The Final Destination!
oh yeah!!! after walking with cautious...
then running without stopping or even dare to watch back because i afraid that i'm maybe stumble like before..
stopping at many pit stop to arrive to the final destination...
The final semester!
the path before was hard but this new road i'm heading would be more challenging then before.
Don't be afraid... march forward and do your best!
Because even though it's hard but you still have to carry on for the sake of them... the one your love...
Beside always remember that you have the Do'a from your parent with you and Allah would always be there for you...
Wish me all the luck and may i become one of the lawyer in Malaysia!
then running without stopping or even dare to watch back because i afraid that i'm maybe stumble like before..
stopping at many pit stop to arrive to the final destination...
The final semester!
the path before was hard but this new road i'm heading would be more challenging then before.
Don't be afraid... march forward and do your best!
Because even though it's hard but you still have to carry on for the sake of them... the one your love...
Beside always remember that you have the Do'a from your parent with you and Allah would always be there for you...
Wish me all the luck and may i become one of the lawyer in Malaysia!
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Aku Seorang Cleaner part 3
sedar x nurse3 nampak mesra depan orang ramai?
tapi adakah itu realiti atau sekadar ilusi?
semalam seorang nenek tua mintak di cuci kan or tukar pampers i dun know lah
dia mintak aku tolong inform nurse so aku pun bagitahulah..
then dia juz mengangguk je..
emm xpelah janji aku dah buat part aku kan..
tapi masa aku tengah mengemop tue aku tengok nurse-nurse tu xbergerak pun dari kaunter dia...
makcik 2 dah terjerit2 dah diaorang buat xtaw je..
boleh sembang pasal majlis tunang anak..anak nak amik muet lah...
kita bersangka baik jelah mayb diaorang penat nak 2kar pampers makcik 2 sebab dia diarrhea.
tapi bukan itu ke kerja diaorang??? macam kerja claner macam aku ni kutip sampah sapu sampah...
bile kite xbuat kerja elok diaorang laju je complain so boleh x kita complain pasal diaorang lak?
emm betul ckp bos kan depan pesakit memang nampak mesra tapi depan cleaner macam aku ni kita kena banyak bersabar...paham2 jelah ye kenapa... =)
tapi adakah itu realiti atau sekadar ilusi?
semalam seorang nenek tua mintak di cuci kan or tukar pampers i dun know lah
dia mintak aku tolong inform nurse so aku pun bagitahulah..
then dia juz mengangguk je..
emm xpelah janji aku dah buat part aku kan..
tapi masa aku tengah mengemop tue aku tengok nurse-nurse tu xbergerak pun dari kaunter dia...
makcik 2 dah terjerit2 dah diaorang buat xtaw je..
boleh sembang pasal majlis tunang anak..anak nak amik muet lah...
kita bersangka baik jelah mayb diaorang penat nak 2kar pampers makcik 2 sebab dia diarrhea.
tapi bukan itu ke kerja diaorang??? macam kerja claner macam aku ni kutip sampah sapu sampah...
bile kite xbuat kerja elok diaorang laju je complain so boleh x kita complain pasal diaorang lak?
emm betul ckp bos kan depan pesakit memang nampak mesra tapi depan cleaner macam aku ni kita kena banyak bersabar...paham2 jelah ye kenapa... =)
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Aku seorang Cleaner part 2
life is not always fair lorr...
especially if ur are a cleaner...
because everybody is like above u all...
they look down at u like u r not worth even a penny lorr...
we are just an aunty or a kakak that pick and throw a rubbish for you
but at least give us some respect...
just because u have a cleaner doesn't mean that u cannot even pick up ur left over bread on the floor!
we are a worker not ur slave for God sake!
especially if ur are a cleaner...
because everybody is like above u all...
they look down at u like u r not worth even a penny lorr...
we are just an aunty or a kakak that pick and throw a rubbish for you
but at least give us some respect...
just because u have a cleaner doesn't mean that u cannot even pick up ur left over bread on the floor!
we are a worker not ur slave for God sake!
aku seorang cleaner part 1...
Dah almost 3 weeks aku bercuti...
aku kalau cuti2 nie memang selalu berkerja...
yelah buat tambah2 pendapatan hu3...
dah macam2 kerja aku buat...
kerja kilang...cashier kedai and even mak guard...
sekarang aku bekerja as a cleaner!
awal2 aku kerja aku asyik ditanya dengan soalan yang sama...
"adik kau xmalu ke kerja nie?"
malu??? bohonglah kalau aku x malu tapi sekejap je malu tu...
lama2 aku dah malas nak fikir...
aku terfikir kenapa aku nak malu?
mak aku bekerja sebagai cleaner untuk membantu abah aku for more than 10 years...
if mak aku boleh buat kenapa aku tidak?
so daripada aku malu baik aku kerja je... janji tiap2 bulan dapat gaji
aku kalau cuti2 nie memang selalu berkerja...
yelah buat tambah2 pendapatan hu3...
dah macam2 kerja aku buat...
kerja kilang...cashier kedai and even mak guard...
sekarang aku bekerja as a cleaner!
awal2 aku kerja aku asyik ditanya dengan soalan yang sama...
"adik kau xmalu ke kerja nie?"
malu??? bohonglah kalau aku x malu tapi sekejap je malu tu...
lama2 aku dah malas nak fikir...
aku terfikir kenapa aku nak malu?
mak aku bekerja sebagai cleaner untuk membantu abah aku for more than 10 years...
if mak aku boleh buat kenapa aku tidak?
so daripada aku malu baik aku kerja je... janji tiap2 bulan dapat gaji
Friday, 29 June 2012
Trip to PLKN Padang Hijau!
ollaz all...
today i skip from work and went to Kluang to visit my adik at PLKN
kinda miss him lorrr..
my adik is so funny u know
i always told him he can join raja lawak =p
we chit chatting
having lunch under a palm tree
waiting forward to see him!!
here some pic to share with ollz

my bro Ezzy Safwan bin Haron
my bro Ezzy Safwan bin Haron
my lil bro Mohd Ezren Azrol bin Haron
mak, awan n abah
mak awan and me
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Life is unfair!
what the heck is going on rite now!!!
I never knew that my lecturer was this damn bias!
we are all your student sir!!!
don't favour one student and neglect the others!
how do you feel if we neglecting you!
Avoiding you huh!!!
Get a life sir!
i know you are smart and all but still i cannot accept someone who is bias as my teacher!
it is unacceptable!
Arrgggggh hate u so much rite now! not going to ur tutorial next week! juz cannot stand your face rite now!
what the heck is going on rite now!!!
I never knew that my lecturer was this damn bias!
we are all your student sir!!!
don't favour one student and neglect the others!
how do you feel if we neglecting you!
Avoiding you huh!!!
Get a life sir!
i know you are smart and all but still i cannot accept someone who is bias as my teacher!
it is unacceptable!
Arrgggggh hate u so much rite now! not going to ur tutorial next week! juz cannot stand your face rite now!
Friday, 20 April 2012
man decides to change in the 12th hours but dies on the 11th
I'm always thinking when i should change?
when i made up my mind.. there must be something occur..
then i started to forget my determination..
then i thought to myself..
"hey life is still young babe..chill out...you got an ample time in front you"
is it true???
do we actually have a lot of time...
do you ever think that when you decide to change in the future but then you died before that..
you do not even have time to repent and ask forgiveness from Allah S.W.T and with others...
we can never predict the future..
times would never wait for us...
i really hoped my changes would last...
i'm not saying that i'm totally changed
but still i'm trying
so let's all change for the better..
we never know what would happen in the future rite..
i wish all the best to me and to all of you..
lets change in the 11th hours and don't wait to change at the 12th hours...
Adakah Kebanyakan Student Law mengalami Stress yang Berlebihan..
entah lah saya susah nak komen..
tetapi sekarang nie saya memang didalam keadaan yang stress...
Everything not going in a way i want it to be..
this week was a horrible..
how many my cute mouth swearing pun i already lost count..
too many thing to be done and due at the same time..
my tears keep pouring when i'm tired..
i miss my abah and my mak!!!!
wanting to go back home sooo badly...
please Allah give me strength so that i can go on..
passion is all you have now so be patient and Insyaallah your effort would be
worth it....
entah lah saya susah nak komen..
tetapi sekarang nie saya memang didalam keadaan yang stress...
Everything not going in a way i want it to be..
this week was a horrible..
how many my cute mouth swearing pun i already lost count..
too many thing to be done and due at the same time..
my tears keep pouring when i'm tired..
i miss my abah and my mak!!!!
wanting to go back home sooo badly...
please Allah give me strength so that i can go on..
passion is all you have now so be patient and Insyaallah your effort would be
worth it....
Friday, 30 March 2012
LAzy Bum!
I'm such a lazy bum...
sleeping...eating...watching tv...
my vacation routine..
assignment dont even touch..cases don't ever bother to read...
wake up you lazy bum..
no one would do the assignment for you!!!!
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