~Tepuk tampar dipagi hari~

welcome to my other side of world...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...

Saturday, 23 April 2011


Mr.faizal hantar pada shasha an advance bufday present!
nak tahu tepon apa? jap yek...
cantik x! thank u baby...ur so sweet!!! cyg abg sangat2 and this is not due to the fact u gave me this taw but it came strait from d bottom of my heart...

Mee Hailam cik shasha!

Pagi tadi shasha buat breakfast mee hailam.. first time try buat and Alhamdulilah it work!
senang rupa2nya buat mee hailam nie betul cakap puan normah bonda tercinta!
bahan2 cuma sayur2an seperti carrot,kobis,sawi bunga kobis apa2 pun ok tapi yang logik lah ha3..
pastu daging ayam udang... kalau ada lau xder ayam saja pun boleh even fish cake or fish ball should be enough..
mula2 tumbuk 2 or 3 biji bawang putih and then tumis kan dia then masukkan daging if ada coz daging kene rebus dulu bagi empuk.. masukkan air untuk empukkan daging.. masukkan carrot sekali coz carrot lambat empuk..
bile semua dah empuk masukkan sos tiram,gula and ajinamoto dulu (rasa kuah dulu sebelum masukkan garam) ini sebab sos tiram dah masin jadi kita xnak terletak lebih garam! masukkan kicap masin sedikit. bila rasa dah cukup masukkan sayur2 lain.. 
kemudian rebus mee taw.. jangan masukkan mee terus dalam kuah nanti mee kembang...
bila dah siap semua mee boleh lah dihidang! 

Friday, 22 April 2011

life as a practical student!

so tired! 
doing pract at High Court Muar...
very interesting to see a lot of trial cases and learnt a lot of a new thing!
getting to know new people is actually a good experienced is'it!
hopefull this coming 3month would be an amazing experience for me!
jgn ad gaduh2 then it would be very damn ok!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

horray!horray! it is a holiday!!!

finally holiday! waited for almost 4month and finally the day is here!
but holiday pun holiday jugak but i still have 2 complete my practical..
emm bowink lorr but anyhow 3month would pas juz like that then i would still hve my 2month worth of holiday yahoo...!
wait for my next entry as it would be all about my life as a practical student.
hope think going to be smooth. pray to Allah always for a smooth life amin!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Hate u Consti!

stress nye belajar consti!
xtaw lah nak focus mcm mane!!!!
please help me!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Hanya takziah yag mampu aku ucapkan buat sahabat ku Nelly..
Papa nye telah dijemput illahi pada pukul 4 ptg semalam.
Kesedihan mu mungkin kami tidak mengerti tapi sentiasa ingat bahawa kami semua sentiasa dibelakangmu bersamamu ketika susah dan senang...
we luv u dear and sentiasa sabar untuk mama dan adik-adikmu...

Saturday, 2 April 2011


xpernah dgr pun cerita gossip kat tv1 nie..
kutuk black mentor suh jage aurat owg timur?
pelik je?
lelaki kowt auratnye bkn kat dada..
asal nak cri salah black?
artis pempuan kat malaysia nie xpyh bkak bju pun mata dah sakit owg tgk..
so b4 nak serang2 owg p wat research elok2 ckit..
annoying je tgk narrator dia...
patot ar xfemes!


last nite due to high level of boredness i pun tgk lah af9... ad jgk ar excited coz look mcm different from af bfore but then it juz so-so jelah..
ad lah 2-3 yg menarik ati but xmantap sgt better mentor lg kowt..
hu3 komen pengkritik bebas nie he3..
ada sorang peserta nie.. k-pop fan..
ok same goes with me kpop craziest fan but then he sing " I'LL BE BACK" from 2pm and kapow! hu3 it's kinda cute but then it juz cute hu3.. juz stick with malay n english beb.. malaysian xsampai level entertainment yg u can sing a song they would never understand...
so far they juz a good singer not the best yet.. mayb uz intro concert kowt will see d next concert!
bez of luck ok

exam yg memenatkan..

i almost lost my sanity ha3...
study sgt memenatkan beb!
tp nak buat apa kan terpaksa lah lau x mcm mana kite nak berjaya ye dok..
skrg nie nak study consti cikit n after this open my beloved company book..
owh...penat sgt skrg nie...
study hard shasha...
if u still become a lazybones diz would be the end for u...
so don't let mak n abah menangis kerana berduka but let them cry bcoz of happiness orait!
hwaithing!gambate kudasai!chaiyok~