~Tepuk tampar dipagi hari~

welcome to my other side of world...
world where i'm free to express my feeling...

Saturday, 2 April 2011


last nite due to high level of boredness i pun tgk lah af9... ad jgk ar excited coz look mcm different from af bfore but then it juz so-so jelah..
ad lah 2-3 yg menarik ati but xmantap sgt better mentor lg kowt..
hu3 komen pengkritik bebas nie he3..
ada sorang peserta nie.. k-pop fan..
ok same goes with me kpop craziest fan but then he sing " I'LL BE BACK" from 2pm and kapow! hu3 it's kinda cute but then it juz cute hu3.. juz stick with malay n english beb.. malaysian xsampai level entertainment yg u can sing a song they would never understand...
so far they juz a good singer not the best yet.. mayb uz intro concert kowt will see d next concert!
bez of luck ok

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